Baby Sign Language and More!

Learn to Talk

Watch the original Learn to Talk video that helps your baby say their first words

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The original Learn to Talk DVD was created in 2007 and continues to be hugely popular!

What makes Learn to Talk so special?

Learn to Talk is a unique video that uses a combination of sounds, music, visual stimulation and baby sign language to introduce your baby or toddler to a variety of vocabulary as they learn to say their first words.

Help your baby Learn to Talk!

Created in conjunction with Paediatric Speech & Language Therapist Gillian Hart, the video works on multiple levels to stimulate development rather than simply being a passive experience. These unique qualities mean children can watch Learn to Talk again and again and get something new out of it every time.

Why baby sign language?

Baby sign language allows babies and young children to communicate their needs before they can speak which has multiple benefits including helping reduce frustration and enhancing bonding with parents. Baby sign language also helps to support early language development, cognitive growth, and fine motor skills.

There are plenty of articles online about the benefits of using baby sign language as a tool to help your child say their first words and one we really like is called, Baby Sign Language: a helpful communication tool. (Source: Baby Sign Language: A helpful communication tool)

What are the benefits of watching Learn to Talk

Learn to Talk by Oxbridge Baby provides engaging visual and auditory content designed to support early language development in young children. Key benefits include introducing basic vocabulary through fun, repetitive animations while helping babies and toddlers associate words with images.

Learn to Talk encourages speech through interactive elements, making learning enjoyable. It also promotes parent-child interaction by providing a shared learning experience, which can further stimulate a child’s verbal skills.

The video can be used in multiple ways when helping encourage your baby to say their first words. Every time your child watches Learn to Talk, your baby or toddler will have fun and start to recognise and repeat the sounds and sights they see. After time they will begin to make connections with everyday words and objects that will build and help encourage them to say their first words.

What age should my child start speaking?

There is not an exact age your baby should start talking as every child is different, but most children will start speaking between 12-18 months and typically begin by saying simple words like “mama” or “dada.”

Should I worry if my child is not talking yet?

Speech development varies from child to child and so don’t worry if your child is not talking just yet. Some children focus on other skills before they start to speak such as motor development, and many late talkers catch up on their own without lasting issues. Encouraging a language-rich environment through reading, talking, and play can support speech development over time and help your baby Learn to Talk!

Please note that while videos such as Learn to Talk help encourage your baby or toddler to say their first words, if parents are concerned, they should consult with a paediatrician to rule out any underlying issues.

Do you have any other resources to help my baby Learn to Talk?

We have a helpful ‘cheat sheet’ packed full of tips on how to get the most out of watching Learn to Talk which you can read here. We also have a growing collection of preschool and young child development articles by several of the UK’s top paediatric speech and language therapists which you can read here.

Do you have any more videos like Learn to Talk?

You are not the first to ask this question! Keep checking this website for some exciting news coming soon!!!